Preparing For An Exam

June 19, 2018 0 Comments

Preparing and Studying for an Entrance Exam

Prior to registering for the exam, there are a few things you will want to get in order before you dive into the studying and preparation for your entrance exam.

First, gather all the information about the test. These include, but not limited to: test dates, testing locations,

Next, register for your exam.

Once you have register for the exam, how much time do you have until you take the exam? Knowing this time frame will help you map out an appropriate study plan. Make calendar and write down the times you will dedicate to studying. Do you work? Have Children? Take all of these into account.

Wake up 1-2 hours before your normal wake up time to squeeze in study time and try to get 1-2 hours before bed after everything has quieted down, also utilize weekends for longer study periods.

Purchase a study guide for your exam at Smart Edition.

Study guides are extremely helpful as they provide the information you will be tested on, tips for answering the questions, and often include practice tests.

Take practice tests, either online, on paper, or both. Take as many as you can to help prepare you. This will eliminate any surprises you may encounter during the exam.

Identify your strengths and weaknesses as a student. All students are different any everyone has a different learning style. Do not compare yourself to others.

What ways help you learn best? Videos? Reading textbooks? Etc…..

Review the testing material. Go over topics you already know for a refresher. Focus more time on less familiar subjects.

While you study….

Do you need silence? Go to a library or quiet room, free of distractions. Some people prefer to leave the house.

Play some music. Try to choose a type of music that encourages you to focus. Instrumental!

Minimize distractions. Get rid of the TV noise blaring somewhere in the room, running errands in between studies, and people shouting in your ears. Of course, you cannot control all your family or housemates, but you may adjust your time table to study early in the morning or late at night when everyone else is quiet.

Find a comfortable, but not too comfortable place to study. Desk, table. Try to avoid the couch, bed, in front of the TV, etc.


While you study….

Do you need silence? Go to a library or quiet room, free of distractions. Some people prefer to leave the house.

Play some music. Try to choose a type of music that encourages you to focus. Instrumental!

Minimize distractions. Get rid of the TV noise blaring somewhere in the room, running errands in between studies, and people shouting in your ears. Of course, you cannot control all your family or housemates, but you may adjust your time table to study early in the morning or late at night when everyone else is quiet.

Find a comfortable, but not too comfortable place to study. Desk, table. Try to avoid the couch, bed, in front of the TV, etc.

Keep your area organized and have a notebook, pen, calculator, pencil/eraser ready.

Lastly this goes with studying and life in general be well rested and exercise.

The food you eat makes a difference! Eat healthy, drink water coffee or tea and make healthy snack choices. Unhealthy- greasy, fatty, sugar- can slow you down

Make a list to help you get organized

Relax and take breaks during your hectic study timetable. Use this time to rejuvenate yourself, watch a movie, listen to some songs, or play a sport. It will help you stay focused and feel fresh.

Always a good idea to eliminate the biggest distraction....turn your phone off.

Follow these tips and you are doing everything you can to get the best score on your exam!


Melissa Scott

Melissa is in the Nurse Practioner program at NorthEastern University in Boston. She specializes in pediatric nursing and is super awesome.